Objetives and mission





The Rei Afonso Henriques Foundation has established objectives that we strive to achieve through our work and dedication:

Fostering cooperation

The foundation actively seeks to promote cooperation between Spain and Portugal in areas such as cross-border and institutional development.

Stimulating meetings and exchanges

We promote the stimulation of meetings and exchanges between individuals and public and private institutions in the fields of education, research, economy, and culture in Spain and Portugal.

Channeling economic and cultural initiatives

Channeling initiatives for social, economic, and cultural promotion in the Hispanic-Portuguese Duero basin is another of our core objectives.


We seek to collaborate with both public and private institutions, both Portuguese and Spanish, and at the European Union level, to promote and manage programs that foster cooperation between Spain and Portugal, the Duero basin, and cross-border regions.


The 'Mission' of the Foundation reflects its reason for being, its primary purpose, its essence, and its fundamental motivation. For this reason, the 'Mission' tends to be relatively stable and immutable, as it encompasses far-reaching goals and principles. The Foundation's 'Strategy,' in contrast, is pragmatic, modifiable, subject to revision, and adaptable based on the chosen 'Mission' among several established strategies.


Among our core objectives, we highlight:


  1. Contributing to the consolidation of the Duero Valley as a hub of cultural, historical, and heritage synergy. We conceive the Duero as a natural and historical heritage of uniqueness that represents a distinctive image in the broader context of relations between Spain and Portugal.
  2. Fostering the economic, social, and cultural well-being of the lands and people of the Duero Valley, especially those in disadvantaged situations.
  3. Supporting the development of the resources of the Duero Valley to settle its population, especially the younger generation.